If Your Liver Detoxification System Is Impaired, Then Hormone Balancing Becomes Impossible

Did you know the liver regulates the balance of sex hormones, thyroid hormones, and other adrenal hormones? If your liver becomes sluggish, it hinders its ability to balance hormones and/or properly excrete excess hormones, leading to hormonal imbalances.

Your liver detoxification system can become impaired for several reasons

  • Nutritional deficiencies due to poor diet (lack of whole foods/too much-processed foods)
  • Nutritional deficiencies due to increased intestinal permeability, lack of enzymes, bile production, etc…
  • Excessive toxin exposure
  • Excessive alcohol/smoking
  • Parasites, infections, viruses, SIBO, etc…
  • Chronic stress (internal, external)

Some signs of a sluggish liver are

  • Fatigue
  • Brain Fog
  • Hormonal Imbalances (ex. estrogen dominance)
  • Mood Issues
  • Blood Sugar Imbalances
  • Elevated Cholesterol Levels
  • Headaches
  • Skin Issues
  • Digestive Issues
  • Allergies
  • Joint Pain & more

Some ways to detox the liver and improve liver function

  • Coffee Enemas
  • Liver Castor Oil Packs
  • Liver, and gall bladder flushes
  • Eliminate/limit toxin exposure
  • Address any underlying issue
  • Practice daily stress management techniques such as meditation, breathwork, prayer, etc..
    Daily movement
  • Supplement to support the liver: Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root, Indole-3-Carbinol, etc…
  • Eat a diet rich in whole foods (eat 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, protein, and healthy fat with every meal)
  • Drink plenty of water (aim for at least 80 oz daily)

    Other herbs and spices for the liver: ginger, cilantro, watercress, wormwood, mint, horseradish, sorrel, radish, peppermint, parsley, coriander, garlic, and turmeric.

One thing to note is that you want to make sure you are having at least 1-2 bowel movements daily as well so that you are effectively eliminating toxins and excess hormones from your body. If you’re not, start there first.

*This is not medical advice

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